Unfortunately, there is no one behavior to indicate a batterer. One cannot tell if another individual will be abusive merely by looking at him/her. There are, however, some things to look for when you, or someone you care about, are in a relationship.
THE ABUSIVE PERSON MIGHT: Act very jealous Have a bad temper Show little or no respect for his/her partner Demean his/her partner Have dramatic mood swings Criticize or embarrass the partner in front of others Control the money Dictate his/her partners daily activities Mistreat or abuse pets/animals Throw things or intentionally damage inatimate objects Become physical when things are not done to his/her specifications History of abuse as a child, or spousal abuse between partner's parents Drinks heavily or use of drugs
If you notice three or more of these behaviors on a constant basis, the relationship may not be on equal footing; there may not be a balance of power and control in the relationship.