Meet the Staff of Safe Space
Executive Director:
Shelter Manager: Sexual Assault Services Specialist: Volunteer Coordinator: Night Advocate: Weekend Night Advocate Relief Advocate Domestic Violence Group Facilitator: Sexual Assault Group Facilitator: Children's Group Facilitator: Housekeeper: Maintenance: |
Rachael Weaver
August Swanson Kathryn Manz Heather Thatcher Brenda Beardslee Rashauna Kovacich Leigha Bates Marci Robinson Kathryn Manz TBD Melody Gottschall Dan Huerta |
Safe Space Staff is dedicated to providing emergency and ongoing support to all victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. We also maintain that prevention is key through educational presentations and community events throughout the year. The staff goes through training's on a regular basis, trains volunteers, coordinates multiple events, and continues to be the only domestic violence and sexual assault program in Silver Bow County. Please contact our staff for information or services.