My favorite part of shelter was knowing there was always someone there to talk to when I was scared or confused. - Primary Female Victim in 2014
Without you, my [child] would not have had a Christmas. You made the shelter so nice and I can't believe you found Christmas gifts for [child] 2 days before! Thank you for letting [child] know Santa was allowed to visit the shelter. - Mother who resided in shelter in 2012.
Thank you for helping kids like me. - Child victim who resided in shelter in 2014
What you do is amazing! I found my courage because of all of you. - Primary Female Victim in 2014
Each time I called you treated me like a human and never judged me. Thank you! - Primary Male Victim in 2014 who received shelter
Everyone is so nice! I can tell that you all really care about my safety. - Primary Female Victim in 2014 who received shelter
Because of staff, I've had a shoulder to cry on during the bad and people to laugh with during the good. I'm so thankful for this chance to fix the broken within myself and my child. -Primary Female Victim in 2016 who received shelter.
Thank you so much for the safety, your human nature and your professionalism! - Primary Female Victim in 2024